
- Michael Waitze and Renu discuss Renu´s journey into Data Analytics and her two ventures in Insurtech and Data Analytics(Wolfcast, 13 Jan 2022)
- In this episode, Renu and Simone discuss female entrepreneurship, self-confidence, mentoring, and feeling comfortable to stand out. (Dr.Simone´s Mind Space, 3 November 2021)

Voice of fintech
- In this episode, Rudi Falat discusses with Dr. Renu Ann Joseph, Founder and CEO of Luminant Analytics about her company, the benefits of open innovation and thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on startups and the insurance industry. (VOICE OF FINTECH, March 31, 2020).
The full potential Podcast
- On Nick Wagner´s full potential podcast Dr. Renu Ann Joseph discusses her career and entrepreneurial journey from India 18 years ago to Switzerland and the U.S. today. (FULL POTENTIAL PODCAST, October 31, 2019)

The Re/Imagine Podcast
- “People say that information is the lifeblood of insurance. Many companies invest millions of dollars to launch data projects, then fail to use the analysis to actually solve the identified problem. Dr. Renu Ann Joseph, CEO and Founder of Luminant Analytics has launched a solution that allows insurance carriers to ‘close the last mile’ of analysis. In this episode, we discuss Luminant’s solution and how to navigate change in the insurance industry.” (THE RE/IMAGINE PODCAST, July 22, 2019)